Thursday, January 19, 2017

Hello parents and students,

It has been a few months since I have updated my blog.  Sorry for the delay but we are now just getting back into the rhythm of school and I will continue posting every week about the subjects we are covering in class.

We have started 2 new units in Science. The grade 5's have started their chemistry unit.  The students have already done a few in-class field trips related to this unit, so we they are familiar with some of the concepts.  We started taking about mixtures and substances.  The students were asked to separated mixtures using different methods. We will continue working on our chemistry unit until the end of the month.

The grade 4's are investigating ways our waste gets recycled.  We have started a composting bin with worms and the students are encouraged to leave their organic waste in the box.  Students will be investigating how we can better take care of our environment by implanting strategies to reduce, reuse and recycle waste.

We have also started working on conjugating verbs in the present.  This should be a review for most students but I will continue to give homework regarding this topic as I feel students need more practice.

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