Friday, January 27, 2017

Dear Parents of Grade 4's & 5's,

This week the students and I continued working on verbs in the present. I taught them how to find the "infinitif" of verbs and we started working on homonyms in French.   It is always very difficult for students to remember how to conjugate verbs and they need to be practice them often to become better writers.  I will add some websites where students can play games to practice their verb conjugation skills.

In Science the grade 4's made posters about the 4 R's of Recycling and the grade 5's continued learning about chemistry, particularly the separation of solids.  The grade 5's did an experiment using rockets and different solutes to see which one is best to dissolve a candy.

The grade 5's must finish their science questions(in the gr.5's section of this blog) based on a handout I gave to Mme Brassard.  The grade 4's must finish their poster and a handout about conserving water at home.

Take care,

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