Wednesday, November 2, 2016

This week

Dear Parents/Students,

We continued working on longitude, latitude, compass rose, scale, cardinal points and key.

The grade 4's had a quiz on the 6 regions of Alberta and a quiz on longitude and latitude.
The grade 5's had a quiz on the name of the provinces and territories of Canada and a quiz on longitude and latitude.

Grade 5's will take home their quiz on Thursday and be required to practice the provinces/territories and their capitals for next week.

Grade 4's will take home their 6 regions of Alberta and a practice sheet on each region's unique characteristics to study for next week.

Here are some resources to help them study (looks like you will need flash for these ones and unfortunately they are in English)

Grade 4

Grade 5 (I have added other websites and games that can be found on my previous posts)

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